CCalendar - Organize / communicate / publish group-appointments easly, intelligent and save
Ideal for organisations, groups, associations, churches, schools, companies, families aud privat persons too
Instructions - Synchronise CCalendar with MS Outlook:
With our free program to download you can easily synchronise your appointments with Microsoft Outlook.
Necessary requirements:
  • You need a computer with a Windows OS (Win98 or higher) and a local installed Microsoft Outlook (Exchange-Server is currently not supported.)
  • Microsoft .NET-Framework V. 4.6.1 has to be installed on your computer. ( Download here for free from Microsoft.) - On Windows 10 it is normally allready installed by default.
  • For usage your CCalendar either still has to be in the 50-day test period. Or the optional module "Outlook Synchronisation" has to be activated for your organiation. (If this is not the case, you an ask your CCalendar person in charge.
  1. Download the current program folder CKSync (Version 3.04) from here. (apprrox. 170 KB)
  2. Unzip the program to an arbitrary place of your lokal file system.
    Please also note the necessary requirements in the paragraph above.
    With an upgrade just overwrite possible older files with the newer ones.
  3. Start the program CKSync.exe
  4. Enter your CCalendar username and CCalendar password in the program under the menu item "Settings".
  5. DONE!

We recommend to make a copy of your "Outlook.pst"-file before synchronising. So you can access he Outlook status before the synchronisation if needed.

Please also note the following important notes to the offered features:

In the recent version of , he following features for synchronisation of your appointments between CCalendar and a local Microsoft Outlook installation is realized:
Important utilisation- / operating instructions and restrictions in the recent version of to data synchronisation:
Automate CKSync:

The synchronisation of CCalendar with MS-Outlook can also be automated. For that follow the steps below:
  1. Set the desired parameters for the synchronisation in the CKSync program window as usual
  2. Afterwards click on the menu item "AutoSync" -> "Save Configuration"
  3. In your operating sytem set up a cyclical task execution with the following command:"CKSync.exe/autosync"
Restriction: This automated synchronisation is only supported for the synchronisation direction CCalendar -> MS Outlook at the moment.
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